Knowledge-on-demand and hands-on support tools for NFPs
The main objective of the CMS Family NFP e-community is to support NFPs in fulfilling the different aspects of their roles, especially in implementing CMS and its Instruments. Therefore, the platform will provide factual background knowledge about CMS, its bodies, instruments, procedures etc. and explain the roles of the NFPs.
Practice Examples will illustrate different aspects. Additionally, the platform aims to offer hands-on support tools to facilitate the work of NFPs, such as checklists, information on funding programmes or training events. The platform concept follows a “knowledge-on-demand” approach and responds to different levels of prior knowledge and user needs by segmenting the information into modules and by providing different access paths to the information.
Communication functionalities for creating a community-of-practice
Communication functionalities provided on the platform foster discussion and the exchange of experience among the NFPs. Additionally, knowledge transfer via the platform should be complemented by training events (online and face-to-face). Offering a sound mix of information, knowledge management, communication and networking, the aim is to create a community-of-practice where NFPs mutually support each other by collaboratively learning on the job.
One example of such training events is the series of pre-COP11 workshops taking place in four global regions. The pre-COP training aims to increase even NFP presence at the active debates during the next Conference of the Parties. NFPs participating in these events have the advantage now to use the e-community to raise issues, provide feedback, discuss relevant topics for each training date and exchange information either through the fora or by directly messaging another NFP or contact person. This will not only stimulate a good event preparation but also ease collaboration on the regional level. More details on these events can be found here.
The platform aims to encourage participation, to invite an open informal debate and to create a trusting atmosphere where it is no problem to admit lack of knowledge, declare problems, ask questions and voice doubts or concerns. It is not intended to use the e-community platform for formal communication (e.g. invitation to COP, submission of official statements).
It is explicitly NOT intended to follow a concept of distant learning or e-learning in the sense that users click through course material, conclude a test and receive a certificate at the end. This kind of learning is not appropriate neither to transfer the complex and developing learning matter concerning the implementation of instruments of the CMS Family nor for this group of users who are all busy people at work and not students in need of guidance.
CMS Instruments: