Preparation for the upcoming CMS Pre-COP11: Strategic Plan 2015-2013 (UNEP/CMS/ScC18/Doc.3.1)

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Imagen de Ahlam Elyassir
Ahlam Elyassir
se unió: 01 Mayo 2014
Preparation for the upcoming CMS Pre-COP11: Strategic Plan 2015-2013 (UNEP/CMS/ScC18/Doc.3.1)

The Strategic Plan 2015-2023 is for migratory species as defined by the Convention and serves as a guiding framework for the work related to the conservation of Migratory Species. The Strategic Plan Working Group has requested the CMS Family instruments to develop detailed sub-targets for the Plan, for the species for which each instrument is responsible.The Strategic Plan Working Group developed a second Draft Strategic Plan for Migratory Species for the period of 2015-2013 (SPMS) and has published it in order to receive comments by March 2014.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Second Draft Plan builds on comments received from CMS Parties, partners and Scientific Councillors in the first round of consultations in 2013. The document presents the proposed Goals and Targets for migratory species, based on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adapted for migratory species purposes.


Why do migratory species constitute a global priority?

Please comment on the following Mission that guides the implementation of this Plan:

To promote actions to ensure the favourable conservation status of migratory species and their habitats, and to ensure the ecological integrity, connectivity and resilience of these habitats."

What are the implications of this concept?

What are the strategic objectives and goals for the Strategic Plan?