Everything you need to know about Climate Change in a nutshell
UN-Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called climate change the “defining challenge of our time” and in many countries the impacts of it are already felt. At the same time, it is still very difficult for many people not working directly on the subject to understand the basics of climate change. For example, which gases are actually contributing to the greenhouse gas effect? What temperature change is projected for this century? How does the international climate change negotiation process work? What adaptation and mitigation options are available and how to select the most adequate ones? Where does the financing come from?
This free-of charge e-course will provide “everything you need to know” about the basics of climate change. It is structured around 6 Modules:
- Climate Change Science
- International Legal and Policy Framework for Climate Change
- Climate Change Adaptation
- Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Development
- Climate Change Finance
- Planning for Climate Change
Each Module takes an average of 2 hours to complete. Each has four learning objectives. A short quiz at the end of each Module allows you to verify if you have achieved the learning objectives. Once all 6 Modules are completed, you will receive a certificate. You can decide to take all Modules, or decide to select those that most interest you. However you need to do all 6 to get a certificate.
All Modules are also available as downloadable power point presentations that can be used for offline study or for training purposes. The modules also contain a wealth of links to other UN resources on climate change and are thus a gateway to more in depth and specific information. The Modules have been developed and peer-reviewed through UN CC:Learn, a partnership of 33 multilateral organizations which supports Member States in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change.
This course has been developed with support by the Swiss Government.