Preparation for the upcoming CMS Pre-COP11: Proposals to Amend the CMS Appendices (UNEP/CMS/ScC18/Doc.7.2)

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Hanah Al-Samaraie
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A rejoint: 13 Décembre 2013
Preparation for the upcoming CMS Pre-COP11: Proposals to Amend the CMS Appendices (UNEP/CMS/ScC18/Doc.7.2)

We strongly recommend you to revise the documents that will be uploaded on a weekly basis on the e-community platform under ‘training events’ pre-COP11 Workshop for your region, as they will be discussed in detail later on during the pre-COP workshop.


In accordance with the list in article 11 of the Convention, the governments of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Etiopia, Fiji, Philippines, Kenya, Monaco, Mongolia, Niger, Norway, Paraguay, Senegal and the European Union and its 28 Member States, present amendment proposals to Appendices I and II of the Convention for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its 11th meeting (COP11).

In this document the amendment proposals to the Appendices of the Convention are summarised for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its 11th meeting (COP11). The full text of all statements of support is available to the Scientific Council at its 18th session as a separate document.

The species considered in the proposals can be found in the table presented in Annex 1 of the document with the Parties that suggested this amendment.

Kindly analyse and discuss the following questions with the other NFPs on the e-community forum:

(a) Which are the proposed amendments of the Appendices?

(b) What is your perception for the COP11 in regard to the approval or rejection of proposals? and  

(c) Which steps is your country willing to take as a member of CMS if these species (within the range of distribution) are approved by the Conference of the Parties?